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Frequently Asked Questions



When is the event?  Where?  What time?

Saturday, November 5.  Cherrydale Volunteer Fire Department (3900 Lee Highway).  6-10pm.


What’s the dress attire?

With a Vegas theme, we’re suggesting cocktail attire.


What kind of food will be served? Will it be substantial?

Nando’s Peri Peri chicken has graciously donated all of the food.  Olives, nuts, hummus, wings, chicken skewers, chicken and veggie wrap sandwiches, and an assortment of desserts.


Is it open bar?

Yes.  We will have an assortment of beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages.


Do I have to leave my credit card number to bid or can I pay by check at the end of the night?

When purchasing your tickets online, you are given an opportunity for the system to “save” your credit card for use at the event.  If you did not check that box, upon check in at the auction, we will swipe your card, eliminating a long check out procedure at the conclusion of the evening.  If you decide you want to change the credit card on file, that change can be made at the auction.


Is it safe to save my credit card number in the auction software?

Any input and transmission of Cardholder Information over the Internet is encrypted using strong, industry standard encryption technology. When Cardholder Information is stored in databases, the information is securely encrypted. All of the encryption methods use industry standard certificates. Cardholder Information is only stored for processing and then the data is deleted or reduced to the first and last four digits of the card number.


Do I need to bring cash or my checkbook?

No.  We are only accepting credit card payments.


Is this a silent auction or a live auction?  Is there any online bidding?

We will have three sections of a silent auction, followed by a live auction.  No online bidding.


Do I have to stay the entire time to win my items?

No, as long as you have the highest bid at the close of that section.  We will be able to charge your credit card on file and deliver your winnings to you should you have to leave before “checkout” officially begins (9pm).


Can I Invite someone outside the Kinhaven community?

Absolutely.  All attendees must have a ticket.  Tickets can be purchased at the door.


Are items open for bidding all night or do they close?

There will be three sections of the auction, each closing at a certain time.  A detailed schedule will be provided the week before the auction.



What is a sign me up?

A party/event/playdate with a limited number of attendees.  Each attendee pays the same price to attend until all spots are full.


What is a family donation?

Any type of donation ranging from a homemade meal, organized playdate, cocktail party, gift basket, gift certificate, etc.  Contact kinhavenauction22203@gmail.com if you need additional ideas.


How do I make a family donation, and do I have to make one?

Donations can be submitted on the auction website.  https://kinhaven.ejoinme.org/auction2016

All families are encouraged to make a donation, but it is not mandatory.


What are teacher donations?  

Many teachers donate opportunities to spend time with them outside of the classroom, including dance parties, cookie decorating, lunch date, movie viewing, or a group party on a Saturday at school.


How do I buy tickets?



Do I have to spend a ton of money?

Absolutely NOT.  First and foremost, this is a parent social and community building event.  There are no requirements to bid on any items whatsoever.  Please come to enjoy the food, drink and camaraderie.   


Where can I find a list of items to bid on?

The week prior to the auction, an online catalog will be available for viewing on the auction website.  The paper copy of the auction catalog will go home in backpack mail that week as well.  On the update board outside of the school’s front door, a different item is being featured each day.  Each classroom’s donation will be on display on Monday, October 31 before and after the Halloween costume parade.


Can I bid on my class donation?

Absolutely!  The children were instrumental in creating each of the class donations!



Guests arrive at the venue, check in and receive a bidder number. You will then use that number to bid on items that have been generously donated from businesses, Kinhaven families, our children's classrooms, Kinhaven teachers and staff! The items, along with their bid sheets, will be located on tables in the event space. At this point, you have the opportunity to:

  • Write your bid and bidder number on the bid sheets of the items that interests you. Check back as often as you may need to outbid someone else.  The highest bidder on each item will receive the item! 
  • Sign up for our extraordinary “Sign Me Up” parties.  These charge a flat rate but may be limited in space so sign up early! Don't miss your (or your children's) chance to attend these incredibly fun events.
  • Participate in the Live Auction fun and our Fund a Need!
  • Continue to party with your friends!

At the end of the evening, if you've won an auction item, go to the pickup table to retrieve your prize. If you've signed up for a party, the host(s) will contact you with further details.